Saturday, March 10, 2012

Utah Trip

Our trip to Utah was a lot of fun and way to short!  We flew in Saturday and then had a very busy Sunday.  Bret did a very good job blessing Benson.  We went to four different family gatherings filled with family and friends to show Benson off and to visit. Thanks everyone for your love and support.  Things calmed down a little after Sunday but they days continued to feel busy and went by very fast.  I am so glad that we were able to go to Utah and visit with everyone it made me so happy to see everyone hold Benson, and for Benson to meet all the family.  I cant wait till we can return to Utah and be around family more often.  This time spent in Mississippi will be a short time when I look back upon it so I am trying to make the most of it and enjoy my time here. 

1 comment:

Mary Jo said...

Wow! That is so amazing that Benson has all four Great-Grandma's alive to love on him as well as his Great-Great Grandma. Priceless pictures! I miss that little man A LOT (as well as you and Bret). Skyping is just not going to be good enough to last me very long - hurry and plan another trip to Utah!!!!