Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Finally done with Finals

      Bret had so much material that he had to go over it was crazy.  His brained was a little fried at the end.

  I am so happy that Bret finished his finals today!  He has been studying so hard and hardly sleeping.  I feel really bad because I just sit around doing nothing and sleep a lot.  It has been hard not to bug him especially in our one bedroom apartment but I tried my best to keep my mouth shut and stay out of his way.  That's all over now.  I will let him catch up on his sleep today, but than I will be talking his ear off and making him do things with me.  Poor kid wont get much of a break at all with a crazy pregnant wife.  I am very proud of him doing so well in school!  Way to go Bret. 


Service Friends said...

YEAH- so glad he survived. I'm sure his head is going to start growing with all the information he is stuffing in it. Smart kid! Let the talking and fun begin. Merry Christmas - we miss you - but here's to a Mississippi Christmas. Make some good memories.

Steve and Jen said...

Yeah Bret! Congrats on finishing finals! Big WHEW! I'm sure! Yeah for pregnant sleepy woman! Hope your c-mas there is lovely! Miss you guys!