Wednesday, June 13, 2012


He cracks me up!
 I love Avocados


        I have not posted in awhile so I thought I would post these funny pictures of Benson.  My friend let us borrow her jumping entertainment center for Benson and you can tell by the picture how much he loves it.  He jumps all over the place.  He has not really figured out the toys yet so he does not last that long in it but for a little while he loves it. I took Benson out for a walk and we stopped by the pond and I heard him making a lot of noise so I knew his diaper was filling up.  Unfortunately it overfilled and he came back from the walk with only a diaper.  I think he prefers it that way though.  Benson was making me laugh while I was feeding him so I thought I should take a few pictures and share with everyone. I hope they give you a good chuckle as well. I can not get enough of this baby!  He makes me so happy.  He is the sweetest cutest thing ever! 


Mary Jo said...

Oh my gosh! I think you have the cutest baby EVER. He is growing and changing sooooo fast. Love his cute faces and the blonde fuzz growing in. Keep the pictures coming!

Butterfield's said...

His hair is getting so light!! He's changing so much!

Godfrey's said...

Haha I love the pictures of him eating! They are so funny!

Jill Walker said...

You are having too much fun with that darling baby! Enjoy, because it all goes by too fast. Missing you and love to all!

Steve and Jen said...

I know I keep saying this but he just keeps getting cuter and cuter.