Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Partied to hard

Cubs game

Matt, Bret, Ross

Bret's first Subway Ride

Chicago Temple

Bret went to an American Optometric Association meeting in Chicago.  By the look of it and the stories he told me it seemed like a good excuse for a vacation without me!  He carpooled with some friends from school it was around a nine hour drive.  He had to go to a few classes while he was there but I think he spent a lot of time sight seeing.  I asked him if he had fun and he said "sure".  I think he didn't want to act too excited so I would not feel bad that I missed out.  I am glad he had fun, Benson and I sure missed him though! 


Lant Family said...

Looks like he had afuntime, we ran into him a few times. It was fun to see familiar faces!

Mary Jo said...

Looks like a fun trip and a beautiful city. Glad he made it back home safe. I like the picture of him with his two buddies. When I was in Memphis visiting I was very impressed with what great men Ross and Matt are. Good friends are the BEST!