Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Our new pet

This is a picture of our new pet outside of our door.


Grandma & Grandpa B said...

Looks like one of Mason's friends. He would be so jealous that he is not able to see it. Hope he doesn't stick around too long.

Love Ya

Mary Jo said...

Holy Crap that is just darn right scary! Who was brave enough to kill it? Way to big for my liking. YUCK

alyssa said...

Ew creepy!!!! Did you kill it?

Melanie B said...

Mason would love your new pet. What's his or her name?
We always have a bug as a pet at our house.

Bret said...

The neighbors must have killed it because we went back out to check on it and its shriveled body was between the wood flooring.