Presenting Benson Earl Butterfield
On our way to the Hospital left at 5:15 am
Still dilated to a one when we got to the Hospital even though I was contracting pretty regularly for more than a week |
Water broke on its own around 9:00 |
Things seemed to move slower after this point |
Bret was extremely supportive and helpful throughout the whole process. I would have not been able to do it without him. He rubbed my feet, listened to my rantings, made me laugh, and heard me say a million times, "this one really hurts." |
I was in shock when she told me we were ready to go. They called my doctor and a few pushes later, 6-8 I think, Benson was born. They used a suction cup on his head to help him out. It was all so crazy I had prepared myself for a lot of pain but I was still talking and just fine throughout the whole entire process. The Dr. and nurses said that I did really well at pushing. My poor nurse who is pregnant with twins missed some of the pushing because she ran out in the hall and threw up all over the wall. She came back though, and was able to see the finish. |
Count those Chins |
Benson Earl Butterfield born January 24, 2012 7 pounds 3 oz 20 in. We are extremely happy to have such a cute baby! |